Studies on solvation of biomolecules by UV Resonance Raman spectroscopy with synchrotron light

LM thesis proposal

Supervisor: Ines Mancini (

Solvation of DNA and proteins in ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents is able to stabilize and preserve their structures. Raman spectroscopy allows to provide molecular information on several kind of macromolecular systems through the investigation of their vibrational dynamics. Thanks to the resonance effect, multi-wavelength UV Resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy offers several advantages, such as the significant increment of the detection limit and the selectivity of specific chromospheres.
The activity will be carried out in part at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, using the beamline IUVS with a UVRR setup. The student will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills for the use of the synchrotron-based UVRR setup and to personally contribute to the implementation of the measurements and data analysis.


Further info: thesis proposal

Starting date: December 2022 or later