MSc study plan

Quantum Physics of Matter: Materials, Energy and Environment

Quantum Physics of Matter: materials energy and environment (or QPM) is one of the study plans proposed within the Master’s Degree in Physics of the University of Trento.

The coordinators of the study plan are:

  • Antonio Miotello,
  • Giacomo Baldi,

Why a study plan in Physics of Matter?

The big goal of the next future is to effectively tackle the problems of new materials, energy supply, and a green environment. The physics of matter is one of the gates to do so. New answers can only come from teamwork: experimentalists, theoreticians, and computational physicists must work together.

QPM aims at training students that can cross the traditional gap between these different approaches and solve fundamental and applied problems.

What kind of problems?

A short and not complete list of the research projects carried out in Trento includes:

  • valorization of CO2 using plasmas;
  • creation of nanodiamonds for biosensing using laser beams;
  • prediction of the properties of new materials under extreme conditions;
  • comprehension of the properties of disordered materials like glasses;
  • study of the fundamental building blocks of life to understand its basis;
  • synthesising new, bio-inspired molecules with green chemistry reactions.

Why QPM?

The QPM study plan provides a solid base in the Physics of matter made up of theory, experiments and simulations. Additional courses allow the students to sharpen specific competencies according to their interests.

For more info on the Master’s degree in Physics:

Not fully convinced?

If you are still hesitant, please have a look at our movie picture. It is a bit long but it deserves the time!